
You’ve heard the terms below used time and again in medical dramas. They trip off actors' tongues like they know what they’re talking about...

A big part of the job of captioning and transcribing is watching television shows, movies, and other digital media very closely. Sometimes over and over again. This attention to content pays off in unexpected ways. 1. We can recognize a bargain. I learned that to make...

When Carolyn Vetter Hicks and Kelly Maxwell founded Line 21 back in 1994, they were thrilled to have the opportunity to shape the company the way they wanted. They committed to providing exceptional quality captioning and transcribing, to always approaching work playfully, to trying to...

Last month, we looked at what it’s like to be an employee working remotely. This month, we’re going to look at having remote staff from the employers’ perspective. Not surprisingly, things look different from the other side of the fence! The happy news is that, regardless...

Technology has changed everything. Time was, to work in the captioning industry, you needed an awkward double-monitor + CPU + VHS player set-up in order to get the job done. It was cumbersome, heavy, and expensive. Furthermore, it tied captioners and scripters to their office desks,...

If you caption enough cooking shows, you’ll pick up commonly used terms and become aware early on of the emerging buzzwords. Below are a few of our favourites. beurre noisette Browned butter used for cooking. anti-griddle A kitchen appliance that instantly freezes (or semi-freezes) food. beurre blanc A hot butter sauce...

We're thrilled to have Steffani Cameron, caption timer here at Line 21, take over our newsletter and blog for the second time this year. In May, she shared part one of a two-part series. Here's part two! Welcome, Steffani! I've worn hearing aids all my life so it's apt...

We’re thrilled to have Steffani Cameron, caption timer here at Line 21, take over our newsletter and blog this month and then again in July. Welcome Steffani! If you don’t need captioning, you probably don’t “see it” in the same way as someone who relies on...

Line 21 has been in business for 20 years now. And, while we’ve had a great deal of fun along the way, we’ve also learned a thing or two about surviving as small business owners. Below are three very practical lessons we’ve learned (sometimes the hard...

[caption id="attachment_1274" align="alignnone" width="415"] Ever hear music lyrics differently from what they actually are?There's a name for that.[/caption] We’re all familiar with the phenomenon of misheard lyrics. There’s the one about Santa’s other reindeer. You know: Olive. As in “Olive, the other reindeer,” misheard from “all...