08 Feb Staff Profile: Buckley
This month we’re profiling the newest and – we’ll just come right out and say it – cutest member of the Line 21 team. It’s great to have an office puppy around, and while he may not be guard-dog material, he sure knows how to enthusiastically welcome our clients when they stop by!
Job Title: Office puppy
Years at Line 21: 2 weeks
What you did before Line 21: Played with sisters and brothers a lot
Favourite part of the job: I can fall asleep and it’s okay 🙂
Favourite project(s) you’ve worked on: A dried beef chew – yummy!
Best memory/story about working at Line 21: My first day at work – I was welcomed with kisses and hugs.
Favourite Vancouver restaurant and why: I prefer home-style cooking. And puppy formula.
Favourite place to travel: Yaletown
Funny travel story/best travel memory: A trip from Vancouver island to the city of Vancouver by ferry – what an adventure!!!
Thanks Buckley! Check out our other staff profiles here.